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Sunday, June 15, 2008

CalcZ version released

Then what exactly is calcZ?

It is a command line (dos mode) scientific calculator. Which can do normal mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parenthesized expression solving, finding modulus, raised to operations and many more. As well as it does logarithmic and trigonometric calculations involving sin, cos, tan, log, loge, ln, exponentiation etc. You can use the result of the last calculation in the next calculation using 'Ans' keyword. The operations are much like normal 2-tier display scientific calculators in the market. Things will be more clear in the example section at the end of the blog.

And there are more. Apart from normal expression solving, you can use it to do other operations like binary to decimal, decimal to binary, decimal to hex, hex to decimal, factorial calculation and finding root of polynomials.

This calculator accepts the whole expression at once and outputs the result.

Why I use CalcZ?

There are many reasons:
  1. This program is small in size w.r.t. features it supports. So you do not need to load a big program for a small calculation.
  2. Supports most mathematical and scientific operations plus some more features.
  3. It can find real roots of polynomials from this version.
  4. If you have made any typing errors it tracks them specifically. For example, if you have entered "32+*32" instead of generation a 'Syn Error', it tells you 'Error! Repeated or misplaced operator'.
  5. Comes with detailed help and support systems with lots of examples so that you do not get stuck.
What is this finding root of polynomials all about?

Yes, from this version and onwards you can use the findroot command to enter a polynomial like "X^2+2*X-2" and this program will find the root for you. Internally, this program uses a numerical successive approximation method called SECANT.

Yes, this feature still has some deficiencies and stability issues (that is why this is an ALPHA release). But I am trying to overcome those. As of now this program can not find out complex roots. And if your polynomial have complex roots, this program can not help. More testing and updating is being done in this section.

How to use this software?

I am pasting a sample run of the software here. Hope all your queries will be resolved. If you still have some, please mail me at

calcZ (v1.0.10.2_alpha)
Enter 'START' for Quick Start Guide
Enter 'EXIT' to Quit

Enter Expression>> 23+3/2+23.5+(65-4)

The Answer is:


=> 1.090000000000000E+002

Enter Expression>> Ans ^ 2

The Answer is:


=> 1.188100000000000E+004

Enter Expression>> 13 mod 5

The Answer is:


=> 3.000000000000000E+000

Enter Expression>> 13 % 5

The Answer is:


=> 3.000000000000000E+000

Enter Expression>> Sin(PI/4)+Cos(PI/4)

The Answer is:


=> 1.414213562373095E+000

Enter Expression>> Log 10

The Answer is:


=> 1.000000000000000E+000

Enter Expression>> Ln 10

The Answer is:


=> 2.302585092994046E+000

Enter Expression>> LogE 10

The Answer is:


=> 2.302585092994046E+000

Enter Expression>> 6.023*10^23

The Answer is:


=> 6.023000000000000E+023

Enter Expression>> 6.023exp23

The Answer is:


=> 6.023000000000000E+023

Enter Expression>> 1/0

The Answer is:


Enter Expression>> 0/0

The Answer is:


Enter Expression>> 6*10^(-2)

The Answer is:


=> 6.000000000000000E-002

Enter Expression>> 6e(-2)

The Answer is:


=> 6.000000000000000E-002

Enter Expression>> 6e(-2) + 0.0005

The Answer is:


=> 6.050000000000000E-002

Enter Expression>> 12+*4

Stack Underflow
(Possibly repeated or abnormal placement of operator)

calcZ (v1.0.10.2_alpha)
Enter 'START' for Quick Start Guide
Enter 'EXIT' to Quit

Enter Expression>> 12..4+89

The Answer is:


=> 1.010000000000000E+002

Enter Expression>> 12....4+89

The Answer is:


=> 1.010000000000000E+002

Enter Expression>> 12+w232


Enter Expression>> bin2dec

Enter binary number>> 10110

Decimal equivalent is: 22

Enter Expression>> dec2bin

Enter any DECIMAL number>> 85

Binary Equivalent is: 1010101

Enter Expression>> dec2hex

Enter a decimal no>> 85

Hex is: 55

Enter Expression>> dec2hex

Enter a decimal no>> 15

Hex is: F

Enter Expression>> hex2dec

Enter a hex no>> f

Decimal is: 15

Enter Expression>> factorial

Enter number>> 15

Factorial: 2004310016

Enter Expression>> findroot

** NOTE: Program crashes if your polynomial have complex roots.

** NOTE: This feature is still not stable.**

Enter polynomial in terms of x>> x^2+2x-2

The root is : 0.732051
(correct upto five decimal places)

How do I download the program?

Please visit to reach the download page.
Or click here to direct download.

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