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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sealdah Episode

Do you still remember that guy standing in the entrance of Sealdah-north and weeping? Yeah, he was one of the boys who among the rare breed of men who cry. To make the matter worse he cried before his girlfriend. He was not weak (nobody admits himself weak). The thing was that his girlfriend was only person before whom who could cry, speak his heart out, and talk freely. He rarely shared anything with people. His girlfriend was the only person before whom he could be free.

He was tense. He was going to give one of the most important exams of his life in two days. It’s the exam for which he abandoned everything else. It’s the exam for which he sacrificed everything. He doomed in the other areas any way… or the IT scenario during recession was like that, everybody was dooming. Doing something in that exam was his only chance. Every other hope was already gone.

He didn’t know then that the exam would change his life so much and will take him thousands of kilometers away from where he used to be, from where he used to meet her, from the very Sealdah station where they said good bye to each other. It was most of the times the boy first said that they should leave. The boy was like this only. Always confused and prioritizing stuffs and never putting importance on what he actually wanted to do. The girl became sad and then became used to it.

That day the boy was not leaving. He was weeping and weeping. He was venting his heart out… he could not take the pressure any more. He needed to do something decisive in those three hours of exam. The girl was consoling and trying to make him understand like a mother talks with her child. Slowly the boy got back power. The exam was not that bad. He was prepared enough to face it. He prepared the best way he could and that was the best he could do. The girl could not give him a hug as they were standing in one of the busiest station in the world. But her eyes told everything. It talked about how deeply she loved the boy and how surely she believed in the love of the boy for her.


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